10 things i love about you.

  1. i love it when you smile, we look alike kan? orang cakap lah, i don't know

  2. i love it when you tell me that everything is going to be okay everytime i cry

  3. i love it when you keep on approaching me even when i ignore you

  4. i love it when you stare at me, and saying that i'm gorgeous

  5. i love it when you text me, telling me how much you love and need me

  6. i love it to see you sweat after you've done playing football or rugby or anything

  7. i love it when you cry in front of others and chase me when we argued

  8. i love it when you wave your hand to me everytime you pass by my class

  9. i love it when you eyed contacting with me during band ensemble

  10. i love it when you send me short notes in the morning everytime before lesson started

i love you Ammar Fiqri

resilient renaissance outing.

yeah, finally, i've found a way out of this-susah-nak-keluar-thingy :D *bangga bangga. alhamdulillah lah, Allah tu maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang kann, dia bagi lah kita budak budak band ni sekor sekor dapat 8A. once again, ALHAMDULILLAH :) thanks to Ammar Fiqri yang telah banyak berdoa untuk kekasih hatinya, 'Ain Farisya, entah sape tah tu, tak kenal. just our luck and jodoh perhaps sebab dapat duduk sebelah sebelah time PMR harituh, tu yang semangat tu, UNTUNGLAHH.

okay, so here is the story. semuanya 9 orang, plan nya semua nak pergi tapi, if only Allah wills it lah kan, eventually not semua orang lah. a lil bit disappointment, sbb tak complete. suppose to be 17 kan altogether, tapi tak mengapa lah, kita jumpa kat sekolah je lah eh yang 17 orang tu. plan semua kumpul kt kl sentral pukul 8, tp some je lah, naabil, adham, teddy, izzuan, gap (ammar kata sekarang nama dia close sbb pakai braces, tahniah!) and me and aizat and my sayang masing masing from hang tuah lrt station, though masing2 sesat at first place :P tp alhamdulillah, sampai jugak.

then, i walked to the times square building as well as the two guys which stated above. ammar sweating bagai nak gila, bising nak bukak kemeja dia tu and bising asking me kenapa pakai kemeja jugak *derrr, suka hati i lah. aizat diam. tak cakap. lapar kot, dia kata makan maggie je pagi tadi. then sampai ts, jumpa adham and teddoy dkat ict centre *perlu ke cerita hah? takpelah, cerita je. then jumpa naabil, gap, izzuan kt mcD kt fifth floor, best jugak jalan berdua kan sayang? hahah, NAK KASUT!

after that, narisha erina sampai, well, princess kan, lambat sikit lah, hihi, jkjk. ayah dia ada meeting lah. so we decided to enter the cosmo world *yeay! though my stomach flattered that time. ammar lah ni, nak sangat roller coaster tu. haha, this part mmg happy moment lah, rasa sayang kat band, hahaha *boo-ing me? i dare you! yg first thing kita semua naik tu, DNA maker kot, ntah apa tah, best lah jugak, bergegar otak, macam nk terkeluar anak tekak jerit, first time kot, dulu pergi tak lepas :P pendek lagi lahh -.- faham lah sikit.

dah habis tu, pergi part disaster ni pulak. omaygeee, rasa nak tercabut nyawa dah -.- kalau tak disebabkan ada buah hati kat sebelah, mmg dah tak tahan lah, tp sbb dia ada, ada lah strength tu jugak untuk continue on. pahal lah dia pusing macam tu oh, buat orang menangis je *eh, siapa yg nangis? nanti lah kita fikir eh.

then we went for bumper cars ride! hahah, game favourite adham, sbb dia asyik muntah je everytime main game pusing2 tu, narisha cool je, tak faham kenapa. i don't even know how to drive a bumper car, asyik stuck je, asyik langgar narisha je. eh sayang, sorry eh, terkeluar lah jari tu, heee sayaaaang you (:

we continued with roller coaster pulekkkk, hahaha, tak takut pun, sbb superman ada kat sebelah. kan awak kan? *bangga lah tuh. naik roller coaster sampai 3 kali, tak biul ke kepala? haha, dah immune sampai tak takut langsung. yang piring pusing2 tu pulak laaaaagi best, rasa macam dalam filem titanic, "u jump i jump" lah angin dia, sepoi sepoi bahasa, kita siap honeymoon kan yaaaaang? (:

and and yang benda gayat tu, haha, sumpah gayat tp tak takut sangat lah (sbb dah biasa duduk third floor) tak lah macam benda pusing pusing yang boleh cabut nyawa orang tu -.- creepy. ohh lupa pulak lagi satu game yang kita main, dizzy itzy kot? macam naik hot air balloon je, siap boleh gossip lagi, and ada orang tu nak sangat tidur. tidur lah youu, i tak nak kejut nanti. eh laaagi satu adventerous game! shu shu train :D heee, paaaling extreme. kitorang just kena tekan tekan horn je, train tu gerak sendiri lah, pandai pandai dia.

then bowling, tak tau nak cakap apa, im not interested at all, main lah korang puas puas, strike lah puas puas. haha, sape tah jadi champion, tak tau lah *ehhh, kenapa macam ada orang perasan? :P sweetheart, you paaling expert kan, boleh lah menang -.- derrrrr, tgk lah, nanti kita lawan okay ;)

perut pun dah lapar, so makan kat kenny rogers. haha, semua pun quarter meal, tak payah nak bnyak cerita lahhh -.- makan sampai bloated, who cares? we're celebrating our glory of being an 8A's students kott, thanks to aunty siti.

and after that, everyone was making their own step to home. so do us kan, sayang? its been a wonderful day to be with you sayang and not to be forgotten, narisha, adham, naabil, gap, izzuan, aizat and teddy, abg syahrul too. well, i just hope that this trip will enhance our family bonding, i love you guys, but sorry, i love my man more (:

nanti pergi lagi okay? haha, macam lah boleh keluar.
picture stores a thousand or even possible, million and trillion of memories. biggest gratitude to all of you. love youuuuuuuu <3

this one special speech for him, alahh, WP034K078, thanks for the money you spent for me, banyak kan? nanti i ganti. im sorry sbb kinda menyusahkan, im sorry if i spoiled the day, im sorry if i ter-over or what, sorry jugak if tergedik sangat. i love you, no doubt, wishing to spend more time with you lagi, takpe, next week sekolah dan kan? kita jumpa nanti okay? thank you honey! i love you and always will.